<aside> ⚠️ For this integration to work, your Opsgenie account will need to be on the 'Standard' or 'Enterprise' plan. This is a limitation of Opsgenie, where they restrict access to the Incidents API to these tiers.


In an incident, at the boundaries of your knowledge and need help to figure something out? We've all been there.

Fear no more. You can use incident.io to directly page users in Slack via /incident escalate — no need to log in to Opsgenie, search around and find the right place. You can page:

In the middle of a particularly gnarly incident? You can page multiple teams and individuals all at once 😅

Getting it set up 🤝

You can add Opsgenie to incident.io in just a few clicks. To get started, head over to the Integrations section of your account settings page. Pressing "Add Opsgenie" will open a modal where you can enter your API key.

Getting an API key from Opsgenie

You'll need to create an API key by heading to the settings page of your Opsgenie account. You can find this by heading to 'Settings' and then scrolling down to 'API key management'. The page will look something like this:


Click Add new API key and call it "incident.io". For access rights we require Read , Create and update and Configuration access. We don't need to delete anything so leave that one unchecked! Copy the key to your clipboard and head back to the incident.io integrations page.


Enter your API key in the Opsgenie modal, and hit save. If that was successful, you're all set up! Try it in an incident channel with /incident escalate 🎉
